Sounds of Planets

NASA Voyager and other space probes measure the high-frequency oscillations of plasma waves in electric and magnetic fields with antennas. These recorded sounds are then amplified into the range of hearing to make complex interactions of charged particles from the solar wind, ionosphere, and planetary magnetosphere, audible.


Sounds of Jupiter:

Jupiter’s Moons

Jupiter's Moons

My ear barely caught signals coming in regular succession which could not have been produced on earth… Nikola Tesla

In 1899, while conducting experiments in Colorado Springs, Nikola Tesla detected a signal with a highly sensitive receiver.

He said: I felt as though I were present at the birth of a new knowledge or the revelation of a great truth.

Tesla first considered they might be electrical disturbances produced by the sun, aurora borealis, or earth currents, but believed they were not terrestrial in origin.

He concluded they were a form of ‘interplanetary communication’.

It is now believed that Tesla had discovered radio astronomy and was picking up a signal from IO, one of Jupiter’s moons.

It emits a 10 khz. signal as it passes through a torus of charged plasma particles that surrounds Jupiter.

Radio signals from IO often come as a series of pulses.


Io, Jupiters Moon

Sounds of IO – one of Jupiter’s Moons:



Sounds of Saturn:



Sounds of Uranus:

Rings of Uranus


Sounds of the Rings of Uranus:



Sounds of Neptune:



Sounds of Venus:



Sounds of Earth:



Sounds of Mars (may be available in 2-3 years)

This is the sound of winds blowing across NASA’s InSight Lander,
the first sound recorded on Mars. (December 2018)
The recording was made with an air pressure sensor, and was later sped up
by a factor of 100 to bring the vibrations into the range of hearing.

Listen to more sounds from space here:

NASA Sound Library

Scale of planets in relation to the sun